Terça-feira, Fevereiro 11, 2025
InícioNotíciasCulturaNoite de marchas populares em Lisboa

Noite de marchas populares em Lisboa

Alcântara foi a grande vencedora da noite de marchas populares em Lisboa. Uma noite cheia de tradições pelas ruas da capital. Isto depois de um dia cheio de amor no ar com casamentos apadrinhados por Santo António e juras de amor eterno.

Alcântara foi a grande vencedora da noite de marchas populares em Lisboa
Marcha de Alcântara (Foto: JFA)

“Por mais que corra a tinta, Alcântara é o bairro com mais pinta” foi o tema escolhido pela Marcha de Alcântara. De acordo com a informação disponibilizada pela autarquia de Lisboa, o bairro de Alcântara ter-se-á “inspirado na arte de pintores e artistas que encontram no bairro de Alcântara um espaço para se expressarem”.

Os vencedores de 2024

Em segundo lugar ficou a Marcha de Marvila e em terceiro a Marcha de Alfama. E estas são as classificações das marchas populares de Lisboa 2024:

Fadista Raquel Tavares na Marcha de Alfama (Foto:TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA)
Fadista Raquel Tavares na Marcha de Alfama (Foto:TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA)
  1. Marcha de Alcântara
  2. Marcha de Marvila
  3. Marcha de Alfama
  4. Marcha da Bica
  5. Marcha de Carnide
  6. Marcha da Madragoa
  7. Marcha do Alto do Pina
  8. Marcha do Bairro da Boavista
  9. Marcha de São Vicente
  10. Marcha da Penha de França
  11. Marcha do Bairro Alto
  12. Marcha do Castelo
  13. Marcha dos Olivais
  14. Marcha da Graça
  15. Marcha do Lumiar
  16. Marcha da Mouraria
  17. Marcha da Bela Flor-Campolide
  18. Marcha de Santa Engrácia
  19. Marcha da Baixa
  20. Marcha de Belém
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA
  • People perform during the March of Lisbon's 'Marchas Populares' part of the Saint Anthony celebration at Liberdade Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 June 2024. Every year at Saint Anthony evening about 20 Lisbon neighborhoods march in colorful costumes and sing popular song in honor of the marriage saint. This evening is the most important festivity in Lisbon. TIAGO PETINGA/LUSA

Nota ainda para as classificações especiais. As Marcha de Alcântara e Marcha de Marvila receberam a classificação de Melhor Coreografia e também Melhor Cenografia.

Mas há mais destaques. As Marcha de Alcântara, Marcha de Alfama e Marcha de Marvila foram consideradas as de Melhor Figurino.

O prémio de Melhor Letra foram para as Marcha de Alfama e Marcha do Alto do Pina. E a Melhor Musicalidade foi para a Marcha da Madragoa. Nota ainda para a Melhor Composição Original entregue à Há festa na Bica, da Marcha da Bica, e Welcome! Bem-vindos à Mouraria!, da Marcha da Mouraria.

O grande prémio de Melhor Desfile na Avenida atribuído à Marcha de Alcântara.


Artigos Populares